Preprocessing By Linear Regression





In [1]:
# Imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, RidgeCV, LassoCV, ElasticNetCV
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, make_scorer
from scipy.stats import skew
from IPython.display import display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# Definitions
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3f' % x)
%matplotlib inline
#njobs = 4
In [2]:
# Get data
train = pd.read_csv("input/train.csv")
print("train : " + str(train.shape))
train : (1460, 81)
In [3]:
# Check for duplicates
idsUnique = len(set(train.Id))
idsTotal = train.shape[0]
idsDupli = idsTotal - idsUnique
print("There are " + str(idsDupli) + " duplicate IDs for " + str(idsTotal) + " total entries")

# Drop Id column
train.drop("Id", axis = 1, inplace = True)
There are 0 duplicate IDs for 1460 total entries


In [4]:
# Looking for outliers, as indicated in
plt.scatter(train.GrLivArea, train.SalePrice, c = "blue", marker = "s")
plt.title("Looking for outliers")

train = train[train.GrLivArea < 4000]

右下角似乎有2个极端异常值,真正的大房子以非常便宜的价格出售。 更一般地说,数据集的作者建议从数据集中删除“任何超过4000平方英尺的房屋”。

In [5]:
# Log transform the target for official scoring
train.SalePrice = np.log1p(train.SalePrice)
y = train.SalePrice


In [6]:
# Handle missing values for features where median/mean or most common value doesn't make sense

# Alley : data description says NA means "no alley access"
train.loc[:, "Alley"] = train.loc[:, "Alley"].fillna("None")
# BedroomAbvGr : NA most likely means 0
train.loc[:, "BedroomAbvGr"] = train.loc[:, "BedroomAbvGr"].fillna(0)
# BsmtQual etc : data description says NA for basement features is "no basement"
train.loc[:, "BsmtQual"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtQual"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "BsmtCond"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtCond"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "BsmtExposure"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtExposure"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType1"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType1"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType2"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType2"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "BsmtFullBath"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtFullBath"].fillna(0)
train.loc[:, "BsmtHalfBath"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtHalfBath"].fillna(0)
train.loc[:, "BsmtUnfSF"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtUnfSF"].fillna(0)
# CentralAir : NA most likely means No
train.loc[:, "CentralAir"] = train.loc[:, "CentralAir"].fillna("N")
# Condition : NA most likely means Normal
train.loc[:, "Condition1"] = train.loc[:, "Condition1"].fillna("Norm")
train.loc[:, "Condition2"] = train.loc[:, "Condition2"].fillna("Norm")
# EnclosedPorch : NA most likely means no enclosed porch
train.loc[:, "EnclosedPorch"] = train.loc[:, "EnclosedPorch"].fillna(0)
# External stuff : NA most likely means average
train.loc[:, "ExterCond"] = train.loc[:, "ExterCond"].fillna("TA")
train.loc[:, "ExterQual"] = train.loc[:, "ExterQual"].fillna("TA")
# Fence : data description says NA means "no fence"
train.loc[:, "Fence"] = train.loc[:, "Fence"].fillna("No")
# FireplaceQu : data description says NA means "no fireplace"
train.loc[:, "FireplaceQu"] = train.loc[:, "FireplaceQu"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "Fireplaces"] = train.loc[:, "Fireplaces"].fillna(0)
# Functional : data description says NA means typical
train.loc[:, "Functional"] = train.loc[:, "Functional"].fillna("Typ")
# GarageType etc : data description says NA for garage features is "no garage"
train.loc[:, "GarageType"] = train.loc[:, "GarageType"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "GarageFinish"] = train.loc[:, "GarageFinish"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "GarageQual"] = train.loc[:, "GarageQual"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "GarageCond"] = train.loc[:, "GarageCond"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "GarageArea"] = train.loc[:, "GarageArea"].fillna(0)
train.loc[:, "GarageCars"] = train.loc[:, "GarageCars"].fillna(0)
# HalfBath : NA most likely means no half baths above grade
train.loc[:, "HalfBath"] = train.loc[:, "HalfBath"].fillna(0)
# HeatingQC : NA most likely means typical
train.loc[:, "HeatingQC"] = train.loc[:, "HeatingQC"].fillna("TA")
# KitchenAbvGr : NA most likely means 0
train.loc[:, "KitchenAbvGr"] = train.loc[:, "KitchenAbvGr"].fillna(0)
# KitchenQual : NA most likely means typical
train.loc[:, "KitchenQual"] = train.loc[:, "KitchenQual"].fillna("TA")
# LotFrontage : NA most likely means no lot frontage
train.loc[:, "LotFrontage"] = train.loc[:, "LotFrontage"].fillna(0)
# LotShape : NA most likely means regular
train.loc[:, "LotShape"] = train.loc[:, "LotShape"].fillna("Reg")
# MasVnrType : NA most likely means no veneer
train.loc[:, "MasVnrType"] = train.loc[:, "MasVnrType"].fillna("None")
train.loc[:, "MasVnrArea"] = train.loc[:, "MasVnrArea"].fillna(0)
# MiscFeature : data description says NA means "no misc feature"
train.loc[:, "MiscFeature"] = train.loc[:, "MiscFeature"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "MiscVal"] = train.loc[:, "MiscVal"].fillna(0)
# OpenPorchSF : NA most likely means no open porch
train.loc[:, "OpenPorchSF"] = train.loc[:, "OpenPorchSF"].fillna(0)
# PavedDrive : NA most likely means not paved
train.loc[:, "PavedDrive"] = train.loc[:, "PavedDrive"].fillna("N")
# PoolQC : data description says NA means "no pool"
train.loc[:, "PoolQC"] = train.loc[:, "PoolQC"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "PoolArea"] = train.loc[:, "PoolArea"].fillna(0)
# SaleCondition : NA most likely means normal sale
train.loc[:, "SaleCondition"] = train.loc[:, "SaleCondition"].fillna("Normal")
# ScreenPorch : NA most likely means no screen porch
train.loc[:, "ScreenPorch"] = train.loc[:, "ScreenPorch"].fillna(0)
# TotRmsAbvGrd : NA most likely means 0
train.loc[:, "TotRmsAbvGrd"] = train.loc[:, "TotRmsAbvGrd"].fillna(0)
# Utilities : NA most likely means all public utilities
train.loc[:, "Utilities"] = train.loc[:, "Utilities"].fillna("AllPub")
# WoodDeckSF : NA most likely means no wood deck
train.loc[:, "WoodDeckSF"] = train.loc[:, "WoodDeckSF"].fillna(0)
In [7]:
# Some numerical features are actually really categories
train = train.replace({"MSSubClass" : {20 : "SC20", 30 : "SC30", 40 : "SC40", 45 : "SC45", 
                                       50 : "SC50", 60 : "SC60", 70 : "SC70", 75 : "SC75", 
                                       80 : "SC80", 85 : "SC85", 90 : "SC90", 120 : "SC120", 
                                       150 : "SC150", 160 : "SC160", 180 : "SC180", 190 : "SC190"},
                       "MoSold" : {1 : "Jan", 2 : "Feb", 3 : "Mar", 4 : "Apr", 5 : "May", 6 : "Jun",
                                   7 : "Jul", 8 : "Aug", 9 : "Sep", 10 : "Oct", 11 : "Nov", 12 : "Dec"}
In [8]:
# Encode some categorical features as ordered numbers when there is information in the order
train = train.replace({"Alley" : {"Grvl" : 1, "Pave" : 2},
                       "BsmtCond" : {"No" : 0, "Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5},
                       "BsmtExposure" : {"No" : 0, "Mn" : 1, "Av": 2, "Gd" : 3},
                       "BsmtFinType1" : {"No" : 0, "Unf" : 1, "LwQ": 2, "Rec" : 3, "BLQ" : 4, 
                                         "ALQ" : 5, "GLQ" : 6},
                       "BsmtFinType2" : {"No" : 0, "Unf" : 1, "LwQ": 2, "Rec" : 3, "BLQ" : 4, 
                                         "ALQ" : 5, "GLQ" : 6},
                       "BsmtQual" : {"No" : 0, "Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA": 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5},
                       "ExterCond" : {"Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA": 3, "Gd": 4, "Ex" : 5},
                       "ExterQual" : {"Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA": 3, "Gd": 4, "Ex" : 5},
                       "FireplaceQu" : {"No" : 0, "Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5},
                       "Functional" : {"Sal" : 1, "Sev" : 2, "Maj2" : 3, "Maj1" : 4, "Mod": 5, 
                                       "Min2" : 6, "Min1" : 7, "Typ" : 8},
                       "GarageCond" : {"No" : 0, "Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5},
                       "GarageQual" : {"No" : 0, "Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5},
                       "HeatingQC" : {"Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5},
                       "KitchenQual" : {"Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5},
                       "LandSlope" : {"Sev" : 1, "Mod" : 2, "Gtl" : 3},
                       "LotShape" : {"IR3" : 1, "IR2" : 2, "IR1" : 3, "Reg" : 4},
                       "PavedDrive" : {"N" : 0, "P" : 1, "Y" : 2},
                       "PoolQC" : {"No" : 0, "Fa" : 1, "TA" : 2, "Gd" : 3, "Ex" : 4},
                       "Street" : {"Grvl" : 1, "Pave" : 2},
                       "Utilities" : {"ELO" : 1, "NoSeWa" : 2, "NoSewr" : 3, "AllPub" : 4}}

接着我们通过下面三种方式创建新特征 :

  1. 简化现有特征
  2. 将现有特征做组合
  3. 将最重要的10个特征做成多项式
In [9]:
# Create new features
# 1* Simplifications of existing features
train["SimplOverallQual"] = train.OverallQual.replace({1 : 1, 2 : 1, 3 : 1, # bad
                                                       4 : 2, 5 : 2, 6 : 2, # average
                                                       7 : 3, 8 : 3, 9 : 3, 10 : 3 # good
train["SimplOverallCond"] = train.OverallCond.replace({1 : 1, 2 : 1, 3 : 1, # bad
                                                       4 : 2, 5 : 2, 6 : 2, # average
                                                       7 : 3, 8 : 3, 9 : 3, 10 : 3 # good
train["SimplPoolQC"] = train.PoolQC.replace({1 : 1, 2 : 1, # average
                                             3 : 2, 4 : 2 # good
train["SimplGarageCond"] = train.GarageCond.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                     2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                     4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplGarageQual"] = train.GarageQual.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                     2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                     4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplFireplaceQu"] = train.FireplaceQu.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                       2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                       4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplFireplaceQu"] = train.FireplaceQu.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                       2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                       4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplFunctional"] = train.Functional.replace({1 : 1, 2 : 1, # bad
                                                     3 : 2, 4 : 2, # major
                                                     5 : 3, 6 : 3, 7 : 3, # minor
                                                     8 : 4 # typical
train["SimplKitchenQual"] = train.KitchenQual.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                       2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                       4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplHeatingQC"] = train.HeatingQC.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                   2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                   4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplBsmtFinType1"] = train.BsmtFinType1.replace({1 : 1, # unfinished
                                                         2 : 1, 3 : 1, # rec room
                                                         4 : 2, 5 : 2, 6 : 2 # living quarters
train["SimplBsmtFinType2"] = train.BsmtFinType2.replace({1 : 1, # unfinished
                                                         2 : 1, 3 : 1, # rec room
                                                         4 : 2, 5 : 2, 6 : 2 # living quarters
train["SimplBsmtCond"] = train.BsmtCond.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                 2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                 4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplBsmtQual"] = train.BsmtQual.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                 2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                 4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplExterCond"] = train.ExterCond.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                   2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                   4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplExterQual"] = train.ExterQual.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                   2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                   4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good

# 2* Combinations of existing features
# Overall quality of the house
train["OverallGrade"] = train["OverallQual"] * train["OverallCond"]
# Overall quality of the garage
train["GarageGrade"] = train["GarageQual"] * train["GarageCond"]
# Overall quality of the exterior
train["ExterGrade"] = train["ExterQual"] * train["ExterCond"]
# Overall kitchen score
train["KitchenScore"] = train["KitchenAbvGr"] * train["KitchenQual"]
# Overall fireplace score
train["FireplaceScore"] = train["Fireplaces"] * train["FireplaceQu"]
# Overall garage score
train["GarageScore"] = train["GarageArea"] * train["GarageQual"]
# Overall pool score
train["PoolScore"] = train["PoolArea"] * train["PoolQC"]
# Simplified overall quality of the house
train["SimplOverallGrade"] = train["SimplOverallQual"] * train["SimplOverallCond"]
# Simplified overall quality of the exterior
train["SimplExterGrade"] = train["SimplExterQual"] * train["SimplExterCond"]
# Simplified overall pool score
train["SimplPoolScore"] = train["PoolArea"] * train["SimplPoolQC"]
# Simplified overall garage score
train["SimplGarageScore"] = train["GarageArea"] * train["SimplGarageQual"]
# Simplified overall fireplace score
train["SimplFireplaceScore"] = train["Fireplaces"] * train["SimplFireplaceQu"]
# Simplified overall kitchen score
train["SimplKitchenScore"] = train["KitchenAbvGr"] * train["SimplKitchenQual"]
# Total number of bathrooms
train["TotalBath"] = train["BsmtFullBath"] + (0.5 * train["BsmtHalfBath"]) + \
train["FullBath"] + (0.5 * train["HalfBath"])
# Total SF for house (incl. basement)
train["AllSF"] = train["GrLivArea"] + train["TotalBsmtSF"]
# Total SF for 1st + 2nd floors
train["AllFlrsSF"] = train["1stFlrSF"] + train["2ndFlrSF"]
# Total SF for porch
train["AllPorchSF"] = train["OpenPorchSF"] + train["EnclosedPorch"] + \
train["3SsnPorch"] + train["ScreenPorch"]
# Has masonry veneer or not
train["HasMasVnr"] = train.MasVnrType.replace({"BrkCmn" : 1, "BrkFace" : 1, "CBlock" : 1, 
                                               "Stone" : 1, "None" : 0})
# House completed before sale or not
train["BoughtOffPlan"] = train.SaleCondition.replace({"Abnorml" : 0, "Alloca" : 0, "AdjLand" : 0, 
                                                      "Family" : 0, "Normal" : 0, "Partial" : 1})
In [10]:
# Find most important features relative to target
print("Find most important features relative to target")
corr = train.corr()
corr.sort_values(["SalePrice"], ascending = False, inplace = True)
Find most important features relative to target
SalePrice            1.000
OverallQual          0.819
AllSF                0.817
AllFlrsSF            0.729
GrLivArea            0.719
SimplOverallQual     0.708
ExterQual            0.681
GarageCars           0.680
TotalBath            0.673
KitchenQual          0.667
GarageScore          0.657
GarageArea           0.655
TotalBsmtSF          0.642
SimplExterQual       0.636
SimplGarageScore     0.631
BsmtQual             0.615
1stFlrSF             0.614
SimplKitchenQual     0.610
OverallGrade         0.604
SimplBsmtQual        0.594
FullBath             0.591
YearBuilt            0.589
ExterGrade           0.587
YearRemodAdd         0.569
FireplaceQu          0.547
GarageYrBlt          0.544
TotRmsAbvGrd         0.533
SimplOverallGrade    0.527
SimplKitchenScore    0.523
FireplaceScore       0.518
SimplBsmtCond        0.204
BedroomAbvGr         0.204
AllPorchSF           0.199
LotFrontage          0.174
SimplFunctional      0.137
Functional           0.136
ScreenPorch          0.124
SimplBsmtFinType2    0.105
Street               0.058
3SsnPorch            0.056
ExterCond            0.051
PoolArea             0.041
SimplPoolScore       0.040
SimplPoolQC          0.040
PoolScore            0.040
PoolQC               0.038
BsmtFinType2         0.016
Utilities            0.013
BsmtFinSF2           0.006
BsmtHalfBath        -0.015
MiscVal             -0.020
SimplOverallCond    -0.028
YrSold              -0.034
OverallCond         -0.037
LowQualFinSF        -0.038
LandSlope           -0.040
SimplExterCond      -0.042
KitchenAbvGr        -0.148
EnclosedPorch       -0.149
LotShape            -0.286
Name: SalePrice, Length: 88, dtype: float64
In [11]:
# Create new features
# 3* Polynomials on the top 10 existing features
train["OverallQual-s2"] = train["OverallQual"] ** 2
train["OverallQual-s3"] = train["OverallQual"] ** 3
train["OverallQual-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["OverallQual"])
train["AllSF-2"] = train["AllSF"] ** 2
train["AllSF-3"] = train["AllSF"] ** 3
train["AllSF-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["AllSF"])
train["AllFlrsSF-2"] = train["AllFlrsSF"] ** 2
train["AllFlrsSF-3"] = train["AllFlrsSF"] ** 3
train["AllFlrsSF-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["AllFlrsSF"])
train["GrLivArea-2"] = train["GrLivArea"] ** 2
train["GrLivArea-3"] = train["GrLivArea"] ** 3
train["GrLivArea-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["GrLivArea"])
train["SimplOverallQual-s2"] = train["SimplOverallQual"] ** 2
train["SimplOverallQual-s3"] = train["SimplOverallQual"] ** 3
train["SimplOverallQual-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["SimplOverallQual"])
train["ExterQual-2"] = train["ExterQual"] ** 2
train["ExterQual-3"] = train["ExterQual"] ** 3
train["ExterQual-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["ExterQual"])
train["GarageCars-2"] = train["GarageCars"] ** 2
train["GarageCars-3"] = train["GarageCars"] ** 3
train["GarageCars-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["GarageCars"])
train["TotalBath-2"] = train["TotalBath"] ** 2
train["TotalBath-3"] = train["TotalBath"] ** 3
train["TotalBath-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["TotalBath"])
train["KitchenQual-2"] = train["KitchenQual"] ** 2
train["KitchenQual-3"] = train["KitchenQual"] ** 3
train["KitchenQual-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["KitchenQual"])
train["GarageScore-2"] = train["GarageScore"] ** 2
train["GarageScore-3"] = train["GarageScore"] ** 3
train["GarageScore-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["GarageScore"])
In [12]:
# Differentiate numerical features (minus the target) and categorical features
categorical_features = train.select_dtypes(include = ["object"]).columns
numerical_features = train.select_dtypes(exclude = ["object"]).columns
numerical_features = numerical_features.drop("SalePrice")
print("Numerical features : " + str(len(numerical_features)))
print("Categorical features : " + str(len(categorical_features)))
train_num = train[numerical_features]
train_cat = train[categorical_features]
Numerical features : 117
Categorical features : 26
In [13]:
# Handle remaining missing values for numerical features by using median as replacement
print("NAs for numerical features in train : " + str(train_num.isnull().values.sum()))
train_num = train_num.fillna(train_num.median())
print("Remaining NAs for numerical features in train : " + str(train_num.isnull().values.sum()))
NAs for numerical features in train : 81
Remaining NAs for numerical features in train : 0
In [14]:
# Log transform of the skewed numerical features to lessen impact of outliers
# Inspired by Alexandru Papiu's script :
# As a general rule of thumb, a skewness with an absolute value > 0.5 is considered at least moderately skewed
skewness = train_num.apply(lambda x: skew(x))
skewness = skewness[abs(skewness) > 0.5]
print(str(skewness.shape[0]) + " skewed numerical features to log transform")
skewed_features = skewness.index
train_num[skewed_features] = np.log1p(train_num[skewed_features])
86 skewed numerical features to log transform
In [15]:
# Create dummy features for categorical values via one-hot encoding
print("NAs for categorical features in train : " + str(train_cat.isnull().values.sum()))
train_cat = pd.get_dummies(train_cat)
print("Remaining NAs for categorical features in train : " + str(train_cat.isnull().values.sum()))
NAs for categorical features in train : 1
Remaining NAs for categorical features in train : 0


In [16]:
# Join categorical and numerical features
train = pd.concat([train_num, train_cat], axis = 1)
print("New number of features : " + str(train.shape[1]))

# Partition the dataset in train + validation sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(train, y, test_size = 0.3, random_state = 0)
print("X_train : " + str(X_train.shape))
print("X_test : " + str(X_test.shape))
print("y_train : " + str(y_train.shape))
print("y_test : " + str(y_test.shape))
New number of features : 319
X_train : (1019, 319)
X_test : (437, 319)
y_train : (1019,)
y_test : (437,)
In [17]:
# Standardize numerical features
stdSc = StandardScaler()
X_train.loc[:, numerical_features] = stdSc.fit_transform(X_train.loc[:, numerical_features])
X_test.loc[:, numerical_features] = stdSc.transform(X_test.loc[:, numerical_features])
C:\Python\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  self.obj[item] = s


In [18]:
# Define error measure for official scoring : RMSE
scorer = make_scorer(mean_squared_error, greater_is_better = False)

def rmse_cv_train(model):
    rmse= np.sqrt(-cross_val_score(model, X_train, y_train, scoring = scorer, cv = 10))

def rmse_cv_test(model):
    rmse= np.sqrt(-cross_val_score(model, X_test, y_test, scoring = scorer, cv = 10))

1* 不做正则化的线性回归

In [19]:
# Linear Regression
lr = LinearRegression(), y_train)

# Look at predictions on training and validation set
print("RMSE on Training set :", rmse_cv_train(lr).mean())
print("RMSE on Test set :", rmse_cv_test(lr).mean())
y_train_pred = lr.predict(X_train)
y_test_pred = lr.predict(X_test)

# Plot residuals
plt.scatter(y_train_pred, y_train_pred - y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_pred, y_test_pred - y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.hlines(y = 0, xmin = 10.5, xmax = 13.5, color = "red")

# Plot predictions
plt.scatter(y_train_pred, y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_pred, y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.ylabel("Real values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.plot([10.5, 13.5], [10.5, 13.5], c = "red")
RMSE on Training set : 0.38794088514906255
RMSE on Test set : 0.3898435976659904


2* 做L2正则化(岭回归)的线性回归

正则化是处理共线性,从数据中滤除噪声并最终防止过度拟合的非常有用的方法。 正则化背后的概念是引入额外的信息(偏差)来惩罚极端参数权重。


In [20]:
# 2* Ridge
ridge = RidgeCV(alphas = [0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1, 3, 6, 10, 30, 60]), y_train)
alpha = ridge.alpha_
print("Best alpha :", alpha)

print("Try again for more precision with alphas centered around " + str(alpha))
ridge = RidgeCV(alphas = [alpha * .6, alpha * .65, alpha * .7, alpha * .75, alpha * .8, alpha * .85, 
                          alpha * .9, alpha * .95, alpha, alpha * 1.05, alpha * 1.1, alpha * 1.15,
                          alpha * 1.25, alpha * 1.3, alpha * 1.35, alpha * 1.4], 
                cv = 10), y_train)
alpha = ridge.alpha_
print("Best alpha :", alpha)

print("Ridge RMSE on Training set :", rmse_cv_train(ridge).mean())
print("Ridge RMSE on Test set :", rmse_cv_test(ridge).mean())
y_train_rdg = ridge.predict(X_train)
y_test_rdg = ridge.predict(X_test)

# Plot residuals
plt.scatter(y_train_rdg, y_train_rdg - y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_rdg, y_test_rdg - y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with Ridge regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.hlines(y = 0, xmin = 10.5, xmax = 13.5, color = "red")

# Plot predictions
plt.scatter(y_train_rdg, y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_rdg, y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with Ridge regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.ylabel("Real values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.plot([10.5, 13.5], [10.5, 13.5], c = "red")

# Plot important coefficients
coefs = pd.Series(ridge.coef_, index = X_train.columns)
print("Ridge picked " + str(sum(coefs != 0)) + " features and eliminated the other " +  \
      str(sum(coefs == 0)) + " features")
imp_coefs = pd.concat([coefs.sort_values().head(10),
imp_coefs.plot(kind = "barh")
plt.title("Coefficients in the Ridge Model")
Best alpha : 30.0
Try again for more precision with alphas centered around 30.0
Best alpha : 24.0
Ridge RMSE on Training set : 0.11540572328450797
Ridge RMSE on Test set : 0.11642721377799559
Ridge picked 316 features and eliminated the other 3 features

由于我们已经添加了正则化,因此我们得到了更好的RMSE结果。 训练和测试结果之间的微小差异表明我们消除了大部分过度拟合。 在视觉上,图表似乎证实了这个想法。


3* 做 L1范数正则化(Lasso回归)的线性回归

LASSO代表最小绝对收缩和选择算子。 它是一种替代正则化方法,其中我们简单地用权重的绝对值之和替换权重的平方。 与L2正则化相反,L1正则化产生稀疏特征向量:大多数特征权重将为零。 如果我们的高维数据集具有许多不相关的特征,则稀疏性在实践中可能是有用的。


In [21]:
# 3* Lasso
lasso = LassoCV(alphas = [0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0006, 0.001, 0.003, 0.006, 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, 
                          0.3, 0.6, 1], 
                max_iter = 50000, cv = 10), y_train)
alpha = lasso.alpha_
print("Best alpha :", alpha)

print("Try again for more precision with alphas centered around " + str(alpha))
lasso = LassoCV(alphas = [alpha * .6, alpha * .65, alpha * .7, alpha * .75, alpha * .8, 
                          alpha * .85, alpha * .9, alpha * .95, alpha, alpha * 1.05, 
                          alpha * 1.1, alpha * 1.15, alpha * 1.25, alpha * 1.3, alpha * 1.35, 
                          alpha * 1.4], 
                max_iter = 50000, cv = 10), y_train)
alpha = lasso.alpha_
print("Best alpha :", alpha)

print("Lasso RMSE on Training set :", rmse_cv_train(lasso).mean())
print("Lasso RMSE on Test set :", rmse_cv_test(lasso).mean())
y_train_las = lasso.predict(X_train)
y_test_las = lasso.predict(X_test)

# Plot residuals
plt.scatter(y_train_las, y_train_las - y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_las, y_test_las - y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with Lasso regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.hlines(y = 0, xmin = 10.5, xmax = 13.5, color = "red")

# Plot predictions
plt.scatter(y_train_las, y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_las, y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with Lasso regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.ylabel("Real values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.plot([10.5, 13.5], [10.5, 13.5], c = "red")

# Plot important coefficients
coefs = pd.Series(lasso.coef_, index = X_train.columns)
print("Lasso picked " + str(sum(coefs != 0)) + " features and eliminated the other " +  \
      str(sum(coefs == 0)) + " features")
imp_coefs = pd.concat([coefs.sort_values().head(10),
imp_coefs.plot(kind = "barh")
plt.title("Coefficients in the Lasso Model")
Best alpha : 0.0006
Try again for more precision with alphas centered around 0.0006
Best alpha : 0.0006
Lasso RMSE on Training set : 0.11411150837458059
Lasso RMSE on Test set : 0.11583213221750707
Lasso picked 111 features and eliminated the other 208 features

RMSE结果在训练和测试集上都变得更好。最有趣的是,Lasso只使用了三分之一的特征。 另一个有趣的现象:它似乎对“Neighborhood”这个变量很看重,无论是积极的还是消极的。 直观地说,在同一个城市,房价从一个街区到另一个街区变化很大。

与其他功能相比,“MSZoning_C(all)”(房屋所在区域)功能似乎具有不成比例的影响。 它被定义为一般分区分类:商业。 对我来说,把你的房子放在一个大多数商业区是一件非常可怕的事情,这似乎有点奇怪。

4* 做 L1和L2正则化的线性回归

ElasticNet是Ridge和Lasso回归的折衷。 它有一个L1惩罚来产生稀疏性和L2惩罚来克服Lasso的一些限制,例如变量的数量(Lasso不能选择比观察更多的特征,但不管怎么说都不是这样)。

In [22]:
# 4* ElasticNet
elasticNet = ElasticNetCV(l1_ratio = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1],
                          alphas = [0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0006, 0.001, 0.003, 0.006, 
                                    0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1, 3, 6], 
                          max_iter = 100000, cv = 10), y_train)
alpha = elasticNet.alpha_
ratio = elasticNet.l1_ratio_
print("Best l1_ratio :", ratio)
print("Best alpha :", alpha )

print("Try again for more precision with l1_ratio centered around " + str(ratio))
elasticNet = ElasticNetCV(l1_ratio = [ratio * .85, ratio * .9, ratio * .95, ratio, ratio * 1.05, ratio * 1.1, ratio * 1.15],
                          alphas = [0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0006, 0.001, 0.003, 0.006, 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1, 3, 6], 
                          max_iter = 100000, cv = 10), y_train)
if (elasticNet.l1_ratio_ > 1):
    elasticNet.l1_ratio_ = 1    
alpha = elasticNet.alpha_
ratio = elasticNet.l1_ratio_
print("Best l1_ratio :", ratio)
print("Best alpha :", alpha )

print("Now try again for more precision on alpha, with l1_ratio fixed at " + str(ratio) + 
      " and alpha centered around " + str(alpha))
elasticNet = ElasticNetCV(l1_ratio = ratio,
                          alphas = [alpha * .6, alpha * .65, alpha * .7, alpha * .75, alpha * .8, alpha * .85, alpha * .9, 
                                    alpha * .95, alpha, alpha * 1.05, alpha * 1.1, alpha * 1.15, alpha * 1.25, alpha * 1.3, 
                                    alpha * 1.35, alpha * 1.4], 
                          max_iter = 100000, cv = 10), y_train)
if (elasticNet.l1_ratio_ > 1):
    elasticNet.l1_ratio_ = 1    
alpha = elasticNet.alpha_
ratio = elasticNet.l1_ratio_
print("Best l1_ratio :", ratio)
print("Best alpha :", alpha )

print("ElasticNet RMSE on Training set :", rmse_cv_train(elasticNet).mean())
print("ElasticNet RMSE on Test set :", rmse_cv_test(elasticNet).mean())
y_train_ela = elasticNet.predict(X_train)
y_test_ela = elasticNet.predict(X_test)

# Plot residuals
plt.scatter(y_train_ela, y_train_ela - y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_ela, y_test_ela - y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with ElasticNet regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.hlines(y = 0, xmin = 10.5, xmax = 13.5, color = "red")

# Plot predictions
plt.scatter(y_train, y_train_ela, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test, y_test_ela, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with ElasticNet regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.ylabel("Real values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.plot([10.5, 13.5], [10.5, 13.5], c = "red")

# Plot important coefficients
coefs = pd.Series(elasticNet.coef_, index = X_train.columns)
print("ElasticNet picked " + str(sum(coefs != 0)) + " features and eliminated the other " +  str(sum(coefs == 0)) + " features")
imp_coefs = pd.concat([coefs.sort_values().head(10),
imp_coefs.plot(kind = "barh")
plt.title("Coefficients in the ElasticNet Model")
Best l1_ratio : 1.0
Best alpha : 0.0006
Try again for more precision with l1_ratio centered around 1.0
Best l1_ratio : 1.0
Best alpha : 0.0006
Now try again for more precision on alpha, with l1_ratio fixed at 1.0 and alpha centered around 0.0006
Best l1_ratio : 1.0
Best alpha : 0.0006
ElasticNet RMSE on Training set : 0.11411150837458059
ElasticNet RMSE on Test set : 0.11583213221750707
ElasticNet picked 111 features and eliminated the other 208 features

这里ElasticNet使用的最佳L1比率等于1,这意味着它与我们之前使用的Lasso回归量完全相同(并且它等于0,它将完全等于我们的Ridge回归量)。 该模型不需要任何L2正则化来克服任何潜在的L1缺点。

Note : 我删掉了 "MSZoning_C (all)"这个特征, 导致CV得分略差, 但LB得分稍好一些。


花费时间和精力来准备数据集并正则化可以得到不错的分数,会优于一些公共脚本,这些脚本在历史的Kaggle比赛中表现的很好,如随机森林。 作为机器学习竞赛世界的新手,我将非常感谢任何改进的建设性指针,感谢您的时间。